We’re in business to help YOUR Business.
The Courier service you can count on to deliver!
on time, every time!
Same day out of town delivery specialists.
Servicing the Ottawa –
Hawkesbury-Alexandria-Cornwall-Prescott areas daily.
Same day seaway valley rates from $15.00!
Departing Ottawa twice daily. Direct drive sameday services at overnight rates!!
Take advantage of our unique daily out of town shuttle to all points East and South East of Ottawa. We depart Ottawa at approx 1:00PM and 5:00PM daily, Monday through Friday. We can pick up your parcels and envelopes and deliver to all points between, and including, Ottawa, Cumberland, Rockland, Alfred, L'Orignal, Hawkesbury, Alexandria, Lancaster, Cornwall, Morrisburg, Iroquois, Winchester, Chesterville, Russell, Embrun etc on the same day!!!
Local courier services.
Complete range of Ottawa Carleton area services.
Local deliveries starting as low as
We offer a complete range of local delivery services, from our cost effective Econo 24HR service to our premium DirectEx 30 minute service.